
Disclaimer: "Professional Advice. Crosswhite Spine Fitness Certification (CSFC) and the contributors to CSFC website are not engaged in rendering medical advice, and the contents of CSFC website are not intended to take the place of such advice. Please consult a physician or physical therapist before using any of the information, advice or any of the services on our website. This includes online training and all other resources at this website."

No Endorsement. CSFC does not endorse or guarantee the accuracy or hold any affiliation with any of the websites mentioned. Further, CSFC is not affiliated with the individuals or companies who have been listed. All users of the fitness listings at CSFC website are cautioned to undertake their own research of a provider of goods and services. 

Liability Disclaimer. CSFC website and its contents are made available without warranties or guarantees of any kind. CSFC disclaims any liability for injury or damage resulting from the use of the CSFC website or any information, advice, services, or other resources that may be mentioned or made accessible through our website or by our instructors, trainers or representatives of CSFC. CSFC further disclaims any liability for injury or damage personal or otherwise resulting from the actions or advice of the instructors certified by CSFC in the performance of their duties. CSFC Instructors should carry their own professional liability insurance. 

Violation of Law. CSFC strongly cautions all users of CSFC's website against posting material that infringes upon the copyrights or trademarks or any third party, invades the privacy or infringes upon the rights of any third party, or is otherwise in violation of law, and all users agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless CSFC and its officers, directors, employees and agents against any liability for such material. 

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